

Empowering Linguists for Quality Services At SILA, our mission is to transform the linguistic services industry by prioritising linguists' well-being and delivering exceptional services to clients.


SILA Linguists is a new Startup based in Scotland, providing language services and pioneering as the first LSP in Scotland with advanced remote interpreting, translation, and transcription technologies. SILA Linguists' foundation is built by linguists with years of experience who recognise the challenges faced by language professionals in the industry. We strive to empower linguists with fair compensation, professional treatment, and a sustainable work environment. Our unique employment approach benefits both linguists and clients, resulting in high-quality linguistic services.

At SILA Linguists, we are not just another language service provider; we are a team of linguists with a shared vision to revolutionise the linguistic services industry. Our journey began when we realised that the financial situation of linguists had significantly deteriorated with their earnings dwindling despite the significant growth in the industry.
Founded by linguists with years of experience, SILA Linguists is driven by the mission to empower linguists and deliver services that meet the highest standards of quality. We understand the invaluable contributions of linguists in bridging linguistic and cultural gaps, enabling seamless communication across diverse sectors and settings. Thus, we decided to create a completely new way of employing linguists, one that would prioritise their well-being and professional growth.

Our innovative approach to employment which will soon be introduced focuses on fair compensation, professional treatment, and a sustainable work environment for linguists. We firmly believe that when linguists are well-supported, they can deliver their best work, ensuring the highest level of satisfaction in their professional services.
The heart of our Startup lies in the concept of reciprocity. We recognise that the success of our business is intrinsically linked to the success and happiness of our linguists. By nurturing a supportive and collaborative community of language professionals, we create a positive feedback loop where satisfied linguists deliver exceptional services, leading to satisfied clients and service users. It is this virtuous cycle that drives us to continually improve and innovate.

In the age of cyber-attacks, security must come first, therefore, we operate remotely with an end-to-end encrypted tunnel, ensuring there is no visibility into our network, providing protection and anonymity for our traffic. Furthermore, according to a peer-reviewed study conducted jointly by Kent State University and Miami University, remote working staff "tend to be more aware of cyber security threats than those who spend most of their time in a physical office and are more likely to take action to ward them off." At SILA Linguists, we provide comprehensive cyber security training, as well as necessary tools to our colleagues in order to ensure that the risks of remote working are minimised and our network remains secure.

We are committed to providing linguistic services of unmatched quality. We have carefully recruited a diverse and skilled team of linguists who possess not only language expertise but also deep knowledge of various industries and cultural nuances. This ensures that our services are accurate, culturally sensitive, and tailored to the specific needs of each client. As an organisation, we hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards. We advocate for fair treatment and just compensation for linguists across the industry.
Our commitment to excellence extends to our advanced interpreting application, SILA Linguists. This cutting-edge technology facilitates seamless telephone and video interpreting, making communication efficient and accessible across borders and time zones. Whether it's conducting conference interpreting or language analysis sessions, our technology ensures that language barriers do not hinder the flow of information and knowledge.

Through our unwavering dedication to linguists' welfare, our pursuit of excellence, and our advanced technology, SILA Linguists aims to set a new standard in the linguistic services industry. We envision a future where linguistic professionals are respected, empowered, and adequately rewarded for their invaluable contributions. Together, we are on a journey towards a more sustainable and improved quality of providing linguistic services, benefiting not only linguists and clients but also the service users who deserve the highest level of linguistic support. Join us to shape the future of language services with SILA Linguists.

About Our Logo

Coming soon! Discover the intriguing history behind our logo.
Some researchers have suggested that the spindle was "the symbol of woman's knowledge," while others have described it as "the symbol of female witches." In the Taurus-Zagros region, where these stelae were found, the spindle is called "Kompau" and "Tashi" or "Toshi". All these names are derived from PIE roots meaning "counting together, sum up, making or analysing thread, word analyser."
"Co," "Com" come from PIE "ko," "kom-" meaning "grouping, beside, near, by, coming together, with," and "Pau" from PIE root meaning "to reckon, to prune, to cut, saw, tread down." This is why "Computer" is derived from Latin "computare" meaning "to count, sum up, reckon together," from "com" + "putare" (from PIE root "pau").
In the Taurus-Zagros region, the spindle is considered to be the symbol of women's knowledge in the creation and structuring of language, as well as in the development of new lexicons.
In light of new findings and contrary to our previous understanding, it is becoming evident that the origins of the "Proto-Indo-European language (PIE)" is the Zagros region.[1][2] A group of researchers, including historians, linguists, and archaeologists native to Taurus-Zagros region, have been delving into history to uncover the origins of our logo, which has remained a mystery for many. Once this research is published, we would republish it on our blog page.
[1] DOI: 10.1126/science.aat7487
[2] DOI: 10.1126/science.abg0818

SILA Linguists' Logo Interpreters
SILA Linguists' Logo Interpreters
"The basalt funerary stele of Tarhuntiwasti, wife of Azini, dates to the 9th century BC and found in the Kurdish city of Marash in Turkey. On top section "of the stele has a 2-line Hieroglyphic Luwian inscription which states that stele was erected for Tarhuntiwasti." Each woman holding a spindle.

Credit: Tayfun Bilgin, Bora Bilgin, 2006
SILA Linguists' Logo Interpreters
The Late Hittite style funerary showing a woman holding a spindle in her left hand, found in the Kurdish city of Marash in Turkey in 1989. A date around 800-725 BC has been suggested.

Credit: Tayfun Bilgin, Bora Bilgin, 2006
SILA Linguists' Logo Interpreters
Found in the Kurdish city of Marash in Turkey. "The basalt stele shows a seated female figure in front of a dining table. With her right hand she is pulling a thread from the spindle that she holds in her left hand. Across the table is standing a smaller (younger?) male figure holding a stylus and a writing board. Stylistically a date around 825-700 BC has been suggested."

Credit: Tayfun Bilgin, Bora Bilgin, 2006
SILA Linguists' Logo Interpreters
Ilam, Fragment of bas relief, The Spinner -900 / -600 (Neo-Elamite I). Louvre, Department of Oriental Antiquities